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Celebrating a
Books Read
Since 1977!


Personalized Avatars!

This year, as you hit fundraising milestones you will be able to customize your MS Read-a-Thon Avatar!

There are three levels of achievement and at each level you will get to select a new personalization:

  • Level 1: Receive your first donation – choose your Avatar's head!
  • Level 2: Raise $50 – choose your Avatar's body!
  • Level 3: Raise $100 – choose your Avatar's accessory! I wonder what your MS Read-a-Thon Avatar will look like at the end of November?

Sir readsalot, the knight - Pearl, the mermaid - Bookie Monster, the monster - Joan of Books, the warrior - Cosmo, the cosmonaut -Murray, the Moose

Earn stars

Each week from October 14th to November 15th, we’ll send you an update via email on your progress toward your goals. As you hit your personal fundraising goals, you’ll move up a series of tiers and collect stars along the way.

  • Receive your first donation and you're a Rising Star
  • Achieve 34% of your fundraising goal and you're a Shining Star
  • Achieve 67% of your fundraising goal and you're an All Star
  • Achieve 100% of your fundraising goal and you're a Super Star! How many stars can you collect?

Target Stars!


As you do the MS Read-a-Thon you will collect badges on your fundraising dashboard. This year we have even more badges to collect! As soon as you read your first book you will earn a badge!

We have 10 badges to earn and collect this year! 

How many badges do you think you will collect on your MS Read-a-Thon journey?

Different badges to earn!

Badges to earn throughout your read-a-thon!