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Grade Four

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This year we are taking a magical quest filled with adventure and mystery… and it’s all for one incredible cause. We are reading as many books as we can until November 15th, 2024, to raise funds for people living with multiple sclerosis. Money raised through MS Read-a-Thon will help fund vital support services, like the 1:1 Peer Support Program. This program connects people affected by MS with someone who can support them through their experiences with MS and is important in making them feel less alone. Thank you for supporting our MS Read-a-Thon adventure!

We've read 167 books

Thank you to our Sponsors


Janice Schwantz


Pam Van Zuylen


Grace Balch


Hendrik Hulleman


Morgan Knights


Alice Kelly

Hi Levi, Have a great time reading all those books! Oma always loved reading books❤️


Aunt Ange

Happy reading Brianna!


Carmen Barros

Se Lice you! Vovó & vovô


David Sanger


Linda Hulleman




Grandma Vmk


Wendy Smeding


Melissa Barros


Alida Bos

Happy reading ❤️



Good reading Jonny - keep it up!



Happy reading Jonny!!



Way to go Brianna!


Cathy Scholtens

Happy reading Ezra. Love you, Nan






Reid Baartman


Camden Ruggi


Hilda Tiggelaar


Deanna Ruggi


Jonathan Vanmiddelkoop