Double or nothing!!

I've read 11 books
The Wingfeather Saga : North or Be Eaten
Andrew PetersonWeird But True -350 Outrageous facts
National GeographicWeird But True -Space
National GeographicWeird But True
National GeographicWeird But True
National GeographicThe Wingfeather Saga : On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
Andrew PetersonOnce There Was
Kiyash MonsefHowls Moving Castle
Diana Wayne JonesPercy Jackson and the Olympians- Wrath of the Triple Goddess
Rick RiordanThe Land of Stories-Worlds Colide
Chis ColferThe Land of Stories-An Authors Odyssey
Chris ColferThank you to my donors

Jon Drennan

The Andrew Family
Excellent work Quinn, you are amazing!

Miss Lauren
Congratulations Quinn on your determination, passion and empathy towards a great cause!

Rebecca & Elliott Miller
Way to go Quinn!

Joan Moore

Catherine Howson
Congratulations on what you have accomplished so far! So proud of you.

Joan Moore/debbie Courtney/alicia Riley/annette Drennan


Kim Helin
Awesome Job Quinn!

Jess Konert
Keep up the great work, Quinn!!

Kerri Murray
I’m so proud of you Quinn!!!! ❤️

Corey Pullman
Keep up the great work dear!

Marilyn Crabe
Great job Quinn sweetie Enjoy your book!

Carol Phillips
So very, very proud of your dedication to this project!

Annemarie Kraft
You got this Quinn! Thank you for always being you!

Jeannette King
Way to go Quinn, you are an inspiring young lady!

Betty Anne Elphick
What a great project and enjoy reading at the same time Quinn!

Numan Family
Way to go Quinn!

Lorie Falconer
Hi Quinn I live with MS so, I am so greatful for your support and very proud of you for taking part in the MS read-athon. Your book choice sounds very interesting. Thank you again Quinn you are making a difference and giving hope to thoes of us living with MS ❤️

Angela Cowley
I am proud of you, Quinn!

Judi & Randy Smith
You can do it Quinn. Enjoy your reading adventures. Good luck with reaching your goal.

Chridtina Miltenburg
Read up a storm, Quinn!! Way to go!!

Ann Inglis

Peg Lockridge

Janet And Chris Hayes
You got this!!!! Superstar

The Vincents
Great job Quinn!
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