1000 pages and 1000 dollars!
I've read 10 books
Whatever After : Genie in a bottle
Sarah MylnowskiWhatever After : Bad Hair Day
Sarah MylnowskiThe Lost Heir
Tui T SutherlandSwim Team
Johnny ChristmasWings of Fire-Legends Dragon Slayer
Tui T SutherlandEverything SPace
Helaine BeckerAstronomy Eyewitness Book
Kristen LippiredtGood Night Stories for Rebel Girls
E. Favilli & F. CavalloSkandar and the Unicorn Thief
A. F SteadmanDarkstalker
Tui T SutherlandThank you to my donors
Marilyn Scott
Tinisha Simard
Laura Evans
Great job!
Joan Moore
Jeannette King
Christine Mcgrath
Annette & Leroy Drennan
Christina Miltenburg
Kevin And Lorie Falconer
Thank you Quinn for reading for MS. I have MS and I am very proud of you for participating in this read-a-thon.
Judi Smith
Enjoy the books that you’ll be reading to reach your goal. Love from Aunt Judi & Uncle Randy
Jessica Konert
Awesome! Good Luck with your goal!
Shari Martin
Kate Procter
Way to go, Quinn!! Keep on reading!
Ann Inglis
Way to go!
Great job!
Joan Sim
Thank you
Carol Phillips
the second thought is always as good as the first thought and sometimes even better
Carol Phillips
So proud of you, Miss Quinn ! When you open a book, you open your mind to the world - and beyond!
Tonia Fitch
The Vincents
Great job Quinn!
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